Monday, November 26, 2012

Fashion accessories for brides

Today other laws prevail on the woman's head. Allowed, anything goes. Drum we dedicate ourselves today is those brides whose main hair short and shorter. Even - or even more - in short hair jewelry is allowed ...

How about a classic tiara? The crown is a tradition and can be fixed easily in almost any hairstyle. Whether flat and discreet or more outstanding and so striking, with rhinestones or colored flowers - the varieties are endless.

classic and available in countless variations, the headband and the hair band. Who likes it a little more stable, for themselves offer tires from natural horn or metal. The length of the hair in the choice of the appropriate tire is less important than the fit. It must not slip. Just as pressing. For brides who are sensitive to pressure, to offer hair bands.

Small but fine accessories for short hair are hairpins. Decorated with colored or plain-colored rhinestones, feathers or fabric they accents, which are particularly effective in short hair nicely.

Unique studded with rhinestone buckles are especially gorgeous on dark or red hair to advantage. Here it takes is a single piece of jewelry, in order to give the hairstyle on the wedding day something special.

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